As you can see in the above photo, by February 2016 (4 months into becoming the Silver Fox) my natural hair color was almost completely silver, up to my ponytail, which was still golden. I was getting creative with styling, yes, and having curly hair also helped me out, but I felt my hair REALLY looked LOUSY if I didn't feel like styling it! It had begun to look as if I had a small silver cap on my golden head, and I felt it looked especially awful int he back portion, if I wore it loose or in a low ponytail. Here is another photo, with my hair done up in a French Braid.
I endured a few more months of this torture, and when I could absolutely stand it no longer, I made an appointment with my regular long hair care specialist, for a deep hair conditioning and cut. She had always had waist length dark hair, but she had also begun growing in her silver, and she was actually a few months ahead of me in the process. My beauty operator was one of my heroines, who had actually helped inspire me to go for it! In her case, however, the silver was only growing in around her temples and forehead, not over her entire head. I had naturally assumed she would be sympathetic when I announced that I was ready to cut off all my long hair off to chin level, leaving a 4 inch fringe of blonde hair at the bottom. Boy, was I was dead wrong!
She responded "No, you're not," and proceeded to trim only the bare minimum of hair off at the bottom, to keep my long hair healthy, as was her custom. It seemed she intended to grow out her silver, but keep her hair long forever, and she expected her regular customers would do the same. How wrong SHE was about ME! I was feeling very down, and rather frustrated when I left the shop for the very last time that day. My long time beauty operator had just lost a loyal customer, and I knew in my heart that I if I felt I was truly ready to cut off my hair, I was going to have to find a new beauty shop, and go "cold turkey" with a stranger. Where to turn? TBC...
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